As you've probably noticed by now...we have a new name: CareerSource Tampa Bay. This name change is part of a state-wide rebranding that all 24 regional workforce boards have gone through. The new state-wide system is now known as CareerSource Florida. Now, it will be much easier to find your nearest workforce center as we're all known under the CareerSource name.
Besides our name change, we've also made plans to create new and exciting ways to get news and updates out to you faster. These plans include this blog, an email newsletter that customers and employers can opt-in to, and a very nifty virtual greeter on our new website.
Are you seeing a theme? New, new, new! Hopefully these are exciting new changes as they're meant to be of greater assistance to you in your job search or hiring needs.
If you have any questions or concern, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
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